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  • Proper perspective

    I once knew a rabbi who carried a small stone in each of his pants pockets…

  • Hi, I’m Frank

    How many times have you blown up at your spouse, or child, or coworker, because you finally said what you should have stated weeks or months ago?

  • The 30-Year-Old Baby

    Perhaps you saw this story last month, about a couple suing their 30-year-old to make him move out of the house.

  • Is that true?

    Question: When you read the quote above, how much weight do you put on who/where it came from?

  • What’s more powerful than fear?

    Fear is among the most powerful of all emotions. And since emotions are far more powerful than thoughts, fear can overcome even…

  • Husbands are Not Big Kids

    It is very common, unfortunately, to make jokes about dads occupying the role of the biggest kid in the house; i.e. the biggest kid mom…