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April 13, 2018

Problem, I Welcome You

“Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom, indeed they create our courage and wisdom. It is only because of problems that we grow. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to dread, but actually welcome problems.”
(M. Scott Peck)


It’s definitely our animal instinct to avoid problems like the plague. But we’re not merely animals.


We humans have the ridiculous capacity to quiet our instincts and pursue something greater. We can see problems, roadblocks, resistance, and even opponents, as necessary ingredients in our recipe for a successful life.


So, what problem is consistently asking for your attention? What would it take to welcome it as a guest, allowing it to summon the best out of you?


How have you felt as you’ve tried to avoid it? How will you feel when you’ve handled it, put it behind you, and learned from it?


Peace begins with pause,


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