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  • Helping Your Kids Make Friends

    “The secret of being a bore is to tell everything.” (Voltaire)   Watching our kids struggle with friendships is one of the hardest parts of parenting. That’s why I specifically address the topic in each of the editions of our new Choose Your Own Adulthood Online Platform. I cannot urge you strongly enough to check […]

  • Respond More, React Less

    Respond More, React Less is, in many ways, the entire ScreamFree message. It’s also an important section in our new online platform, Choose Your Own Adulthood. The platform has editions…

  • Choose More of What You Want Most

    Yesterday we talked about the High School and College Editions of our new online course on the Pause Platform, Choose Your Own Adulthood. It launched yesterday, and I am so excited…

  • Choose Your Own Adulthood

    The greatest adventure in life is the transition into adulthood. Nothing compares to the newfound freedoms, possibilities, and responsibilities that come with life on your own. As my daughter began that journey…

  • He’s not your baby

    “He’ll always be my baby.” If I’ve heard that once, I’ve heard it a thousand times. And most people tend to agree with it, the idea that..

  • I Hope Your Teens Aren’t Perfect

    Perfectionism is a disease. Once introduced into a system, it permeates into practically every arena of life: work, school, sport, parenting, romance, diet, exercise, sex…everything. What makes it so dangerous is how it…

  • Perfect Poison

    If we examined our definition of “perfect,” we see it is often so unrealistic that it could never exist in one person. We want to be beautiful and intelligent. We want to be…

  • If I had one last breath…

    If I had one last breath, to utter one last piece of advice, it would be this: