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January 10, 2018

Playing the Hand You’re Dealt

“You play the hand you’re dealt; I think the game’s worthwhile.”
(Christopher Reeve)


Today I get to go under the knife of a surgeon, fixing my hip flexor tendon that was apparently damaged after my hip replacement a year ago. As my wife Jenny knows better than anyone, this will be my 7th surgery in the last 15 years, repairing some part of my body. (By comparison, she’s only had two, so I win. Of course, hers were both because of cancer, so there’s that).


When people hear about our journey they sometimes offer pity, but usually just get curious. The reality is that I just didn’t inherit the best structural body from my folks. Oh, well; no one gets a perfect hand.


For whatever reason, God dealt me an Ace of Hearts for a wife, and about a 4 of Clubs for a back/hip structure. Throw in another Ace for my kids, though, and you’ve got the makings of a pretty decent hand.


I’ll take it.


BTW, Superman offered that quote above after he was paralyzed from the neck down; I’ll be just fine.


Peace begins with pause,



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