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  • Vengeance is Mined

    Whenever we feel rage, or righteous indignation, or a desire for revenge, it can seem as if we can’t help it. The emotions and desires are so…

  • Gratitude is…

    Thanksgiving’s on Thursday here in the U.S., so why not have a week of gratitude.* The rest of the week we’ll…

  • The (Real) Man of Steel

    “Men are like steel. When they lose their temper, they lose their worth.” (Chuck Norris)  No one knows how to be tough like Walker, Texas Ranger. He understands that losing your temper is never a sign of strength. It’s proof that you’ve lost control of your emotions. It’s frightening to those who love you, and […]

  • Starve Your Anger

    “If you do not wish to be prone to anger, do not feed the habit; give it nothing which may tend to its increase.” (Epictetus) Being ScreamFree doesn’t mean being emotion-free. ScreamFree people still feel anger, fear, hurt, and frustration. However, instead of allowing their emotions to control them, they try to control their emotions. […]