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  • Teaching Your Kids to Dream

    One of the paradoxes of parenting is this: At the same time, we want our children to be incredibly observant about reality and incredibly…

  • 3.15 screamfree intimacy


    In the film “Mona Lisa Smile,” one of the central characters is a young newlywed student. She has a beautiful spectacle of a wedding, perfect by all appearances. Afterwards, she settles into her perfect home with her new husband, her list of dreams checked off. What becomes quickly apparent though is that all is not what it seems. It looks like a marriage, sounds like a marriage, photographs like a marriage, but in truth they are mugging for the camera. While at home, they’re alienated and don’t know one another.

  • How to Support Your Kid’s Wishes and Dreams

    Remember that moment when you first held your son or your daughter in your arms for the first time? There may have been a moment when you looked into their beautiful eyes and you thought, “Wow, what a miracle!” As you pondered what a wonderful gift you had received, you probably started dreaming about their […]