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June 18, 2018

The hardest thing about being a father…

“You have to have a license to drive a car, or to even catch a fish…but they’ll let any [jerk] become a father.”
(Todd, played by Keanu Reeves, Parenthood)


Father’s Day, celebrated yesterday here in the States, can provoke some powerful reflection.


Here was mine: What initiated me into fatherhood (conception) did nothing to qualify me as a dad. Sure, assigning my name to a birth certificate gave me the title, but the honor of being a father is something I’ve had to earn every week ever since. Here’s how I’ve tried:


—Be slow to anger, and quick to listen.
—Only hold my kids to standards they can hold me to as well.
—Apologize when I’m wrong, without excuses.
—Take my kids’ mistakes seriously, but not personally
—Love my kids enough to lead them, and let them go, to a life of their own.


Father’s Day is a wonderful tradition. I hope you had a chance to honor your dad, and I hope my fellow dads out there felt honored.


I also hope it provoked some reflection as well: How have you earned that honor? And what’s your plan to earn it this week?


Peace begins with pause,