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November 28, 2017

Ask Hal Webinar Next Week!

What’s your most pressing parenting question? What’s the one thing you wish you could change?


I would really love to know. Whenever I speak, my favorite part is the Q&A afterwards. I LOVE interacting with folks right after they’ve just heard about the revolutionary ScreamFree mindset, and how it can change everything.


I also love handling questions on radio & TV appearances, and I consider my one-on-one coaching with folks the very best work I get to do.


Well, a week from today, we’ve created a chance for you and I to talk directly. We’re hosting a LIVE webinar where you can get answers to your most vexing parenting situation.


My team has told me that the response to this event has been incredible. Have you signed up yet?


Regardless of whether you get to join live, I’d love you to send me your question at


Peace begins with pause,



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