Think or Sink
We all know the story of Thomas Edison’s perseverance in creating the lightbulb. He never failed, he just discovered 10,000 ways to not make…
You are/are not an animal
Learning to represent yourself well, especially in difficult conversations, is among…
Wisdom vs. Knowledge
A teacher can share her intelligence with you. You can attend school or read books to accumulate a vast body of knowledge. The internet gives…
What does an adult look like?
Recently I was on a TV talk show, and the conversation led everyone to start singing “I believe the children are our future…” in their best Whitney Houston voices. I did not join in, which made me look…
Is it too late?
Is it too late? I get asked that question on a regular basis. After learning about the power of pause, and the ScreamFree way of living and leading, some people are eager to know if their mistakes are too great to overcome. My answer is always…
Stop talking about your problems
We see it everyday:
* people on their cell phones, talking animatedly about what … -
The Worst Phrase You Can Say
The worst phrase we can say, if we want to enjoy great relationships, is any form of:
I told you so. I knew this would happen. I could’ve told… -
The 2nd Worst Phrase You Can Say
Whenever we find ourselves using words like “always” and “never,” we are normally trying to do one thing, and one thing only: shape reality in order…