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January 11, 2018

Creating the Relationships You Crave

“Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training.”
(Anna Freud)


Let’s face it; when it comes to relationships, we’ve all received some bad training over the years. Divorce. Mean girls. Crazy exes. Narcissistic parents.


Even if you had the greatest parents, and the greatest friends, though, you’ve been bombarded with entertainment-driven relationship messages your whole life. This includes sitcom pictures of dysfunction, where crises seem to find unrealistic resolution within 30 minutes, to hyper-romantic stories, where the struggle to find “the one” is seen as the real journey (as opposed to the enormously more difficult journey of actually living with that “one” ever after).


To a varying degree, this bad relationship training has left us all with some unrealistic pictures of how relationships work, and some unmet expectations of how they’re supposed to feel.


Thankfully, we humans can always overcome this bad training. All it takes is a conscious effort to question what’s “common knowledge,” and a willingness to be creative, explore new ways of thinking and relating.


To whatever degree we can help you do so, and thus enjoy the relationships you’ve always craved, that’s our mission at ScreamFree.


[And speaking of…have you signed up for your free trial of The Pause Platform? Early Enrollment is now open for a limited time. I hope you’ll check it out.]


Peace begins with pause,



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