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March 26, 2018

Is it too late?

“The great thing in this world is not so much where you stand, as in what direction you are moving.“
(Oliver Wendell Holmes)


Is it too late? I get asked that question on a regular basis. After learning about the power of pause, and the ScreamFree way of living and leading, some people are eager to know if their mistakes are too great to overcome. My answer is always another question: Too late for what? Too late to raise the perfect child? There’s no such thing, thankfully.


Too late to make a difference? Never.


All of us have made mistakes. Some of us are still stuck waist deep in them and can’t seem to find the way out. The first step is to relax, and take a good, long look at where you are, without feeling shame or guilt. Then do some thinking about where it is you want to go with your family. Move in that direction, one small next step, and you will see for yourself that it is never, ever too late to become a stronger person, and spouse, and parent.


Peace begins with pause,


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