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  • Fight for Your Right to Fight

    I’m convinced that despite what people say, pretty much everyone loves conflict. If not on the sports field, then we enjoy it on TV. Or in the political arena. See, we all love conflict…

  • How Can I Teach My Kids to Be Respectful?

    “Being disrespectful” is a big one on many parents’ minds. Especially when your kids talk to you in ways you wouldn’t have dreamed of speaking to your own parents. Here’s the problem…

  • Ducking Conflict

    Humans are emotional beings, and our emotions can be terrific assets in the right context. Remaining calm in the midst of conflict, therefore, can be unnerving…

  • Passionate Disagreement

    This whole week we’ve looked at learning to disagree well. Here’s one last thought: One of the misunderstandings about conflict is…

  • Let’s Disagree This Week

    One could argue that what the world needs most right now is a renewed ability to resolve conflict. That starts by…

  • Be Your Own Happiness

    Parents often base our own sense of happiness on external circumstances. We find ourselves dependent on…

  • ScreamFree Conflict?

    In conflict resolution training, we’re taught the presenting issue between the parties is not the actual issue. What is really driving the conflict is…

  • Tell Me, Don’t Show Me

    Funny thing about revenge – in an effort to heal our hurt we decide to hurt right back. Whenever we choose to…

  • Humility…hurts so good?

    Just because someone questions my ideas…doesn’t mean…