Don’t Take Credit
If you’re like me, you’ve already seen some extended family this summer.
Here’s a challenge for us all: When family and friends marvel at our kids’ growth…
Your Parenting Flight Path
As parents, we sometimes feel as if it is our job to get our kids to do certain things. The reality is…
How to Have a Better Mothers’ Day Next Year
To all the moms out there: Did you have a good Mothers’ Day? Was it everything you hoped…
TBT: Teaching from Experience
Today’s TBT is a Daily Pause from my wife, Jenny (co-founder, and by far the best practitioner of, all things ScreamFree). I believe it was written back when our daughter was in middle school:
My child has had a week to write an essay, and now…
Are You Ready for a Challenge? (It’s scary…)
Let’s be brief and to the point. Every single one of us has an idea about what could improve our…
It’s Not You; It’s Me
As we approach the end to another school year, some of us are more reflective than others. That usually depends…
Don’t Trust Your Labeling Instincts
“Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them.” (Obi-Wan Kenobi) Among the most destructive labels we can apply to our kids are those having to do with their perceived disobedience. We see their bad behavior, we watch them openly defy our authority, and we call them “rebellious,”or “defiant,”or “out of control.” If we believe this […]
The Birth of Adolescence
One of the unintended consequences of the Industrial Revolution was the creation of adolescents, if not adolescence itself. See, before …
Helping Your Kids Make Friends
Watching our kids struggle with friendships is one of the hardest parts of parenting.