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July 17, 2017

My Life is Up to Me! (Ugh)

“He who has a choice has trouble.”
(Dutch proverb)


The miracle of being a human is summed up in one idea: We have a choice.


No other animal can come anywhere close to us; even an advanced ape is is an amoeba in comparison of humans’ capacity to choose our existence. Our lives, all day everyday, are up to us.
Of course, this is the source of all our freedom, and all our anxiety. In an age of information, and an age of FOMO, we all can become paralyzed by the number of choices available to us:


—where we live
—what we do for a living
—whether to play Wood Puzzle, Candy Crush Saga, or Mobile Strike
—which social network to post the whims of our lives


The problem with choice that paralyzes us is this: We know by choosing one thing, we’re not choosing another. This can flood the “What if?s” into our heads:


—what if I’m making the wrong decision?
—what will I miss if I go this direction instead of that one?
—what will my parents, or my spouse, or my social network think if I choose this, instead of that?


Your choices make you. Be strong. The hallmark of being a human adult is the ability to make a clear choice, and accept the consequences. Despite the movie that came out this past weekend, even apes can’t do that.


Peace begins with pause,


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