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  • You are/are not an animal

    Learning to represent yourself well, especially in difficult conversations, is among…

  • “Honey, we need to talk”

    These are dreaded words. No spouse or significant other wants to hear them.

  • Complaining doesn’t lead to change

    For the most part, spouses would rather complain to others about their current marital pattern than calmly, authentically ask…

  • 3.15 screamfree intimacy


    In the film “Mona Lisa Smile,” one of the central characters is a young newlywed student. She has a beautiful spectacle of a wedding, perfect by all appearances. Afterwards, she settles into her perfect home with her new husband, her list of dreams checked off. What becomes quickly apparent though is that all is not what it seems. It looks like a marriage, sounds like a marriage, photographs like a marriage, but in truth they are mugging for the camera. While at home, they’re alienated and don’t know one another.

  • 3.11 screamfree marriage

    Winning in Marriage

    Bill, a coaching client of mine, recently told me of a victory in his marriage. It was not a victory over his wife, mind you, because in marriage, your spouse is never your real opponent. No, Bill was talking about a victory over the real enemy of marriage, Resentment.