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  • Response+ability

    My greatest hope for your kids is for each of them become a “responsible” adult. I know, I know, every parent says that. But not every parent means it the way I do. Most parents, when they say the word…

  • Who’s Your Daddy? (And Mommy, and…

    Gratitude assignment for the day: List 3 to 5 things about …

  • Freedom can be dangerous

    This weekend is yours. It belongs to you, and you are free…

  • Pausing to Remember

    Over the last several years, we’ve had the chance to make over 200 visits to US military installations around the world. We’ve gotten to…

  • Stop Doing Your Duty

    I know this may sound crazy, but contrary to what your grandparents may have told you, duty and obligation and honor are not the highest values of civilization. And they’re among the worst values for creating great relationships.