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November 6, 2017

The Life You Want Most

“Your life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.”
(Thomas Merton)


What do you want? Think about it, right now this Monday morning. Perhaps, it’s:


-Another cup of coffee, or an excuse to go back to bed
-A different job, or a different spouse
-Your kids to shut up and get ready for school
-A lasting peace of mind, which transcends all understanding


Now, what do you think about the question? What’s your first instinctive reaction…is it a waste of time? Do you hear your father’s voice, telling you to stop your wishful thinking and be more responsible? “Don’t think about what you want; think about what you’re supposed to do!”


This week we’re gonna look at our desires. These are the passions that drive us and the temptations that distract us. Some of them we’re clearly aware of, like the waves on top of the ocean. Some of them move underneath the surface, like a powerful undertow, and can actually have more influence on us than anything else.


For now, just pause for a moment and think: What do I want MOST today? Not the smaller things I want right now, and not the big hopes I have for the week. What do I want most TODAY?


Peace begins with pause,



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