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September 18, 2017

Two Tickets to Paradise

“After all these years, I see that I was mistaken about Eve in the beginning; it is better to live outside the Garden with her than inside it without her.”
(Mark Twain)


It’s certainly an interesting dilemma: would I choose paradise without my wife, or a normal life of struggle and pain with my beloved by my side. Well, this morning I am coming to you from the Paradise of an Italian mountainside bed & breakfast. Sadly, I’m here with my business partner…not my wife. Hmmm…


It’s actually an easy choice. When you’ve worked as hard as Jenny and I have, learning to be authentic individuals and a connected couple at the same time, you’d rather face trouble together than receive blessings alone.


Of course, you’d have to ask her if she would agree.


What would you choose?


Peace begins with pause,



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