Are You a Fountain or a Drain?
“Be a fountain, not a drain.” (Rex Hudler)
If I had to guess, I’d say you know a few people who weigh you down with their neediness and pettiness. These people are overly sensitive and they are very draining to be around. On the other hand, you probably know a few folks who, for some reason, make you feel lighter and better about yourself whenever you’re around them. They are comfortable in their own skin and don’t need you or anyone else to make them feel good. They pour energy into you like a fountain.
Now for the tough question… Which one of these categories do you fall into on most days?
The next exchange you have with another person, try this little experiment. Watch yourself as if from afar. How energizing do you find yourself to be on a sale of 1-10? If you are more draining than you’d like, do some thinking about what it would look if you were to move up that scale. For instance, try decreasing the sighs and eye rolls when your kids grate on your nerves, and repeat the following phrase to yourself:
“No one can make me feel anything. I have the power to be a drain of energy and life, or a source of it. The choice is completely up to me.”