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  • What a tangled web we weave…

    Whenever we deceive others, in order to make things better for ourselves in the moment, we deceive ourselves most of all. The real lie is thinking that by…

  • Liking Your Opponent

    All week we’ve been talking about disagreement, and learning to do it well. One of the best ways to do this quickly is to simply acknowledge…

  • Suspenders

    You are on the hardest journey of life, this climb towards the best you possible. This is the journey of maturity, where you…

  • Love This Weekend

    If your life feels empty, try …

  • Get Your News Fast

    The quote above is over 2000 years old, long before the human mind could possibly imagine our world of constant, streaming images and messages. This makes…

  • Don’t Get Impeached

    For Nixon, it wasn’t so much the campaign to discredit his opponents (although illegal), it was the…

  • ScreamFree Conflict?

    In conflict resolution training, we’re taught the presenting issue between the parties is not the actual issue. What is really driving the conflict is…

  • Real Mature

    “Maturity is both a static and a dynamic concept.” (Leo Buscaglia)   OK, let’s finish our discussion on maturity (for now). It’s generally understood that mature people have a strong sense of who they are, separate and apart from others. They understand their need for intimate relationships, but they are not dependent upon others to […]

  • What’s a Grownup?

    My wife and sister share a birthday today. I’m not dumb enough to tell you how old they are, but I will say…

  • Smile Your Way to Happiness

    In his brilliant book Resilience, former Navy SEAL (and now Governor or Missouri) Eric Greitens delivers some amazing wisdom to a fellow SEAL struggling…