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  • Vengeance is Mined

    Whenever we feel rage, or righteous indignation, or a desire for revenge, it can seem as if we can’t help it. The emotions and desires are so…

  • You are/are not an animal

    Learning to represent yourself well, especially in difficult conversations, is among…

  • What if I’m Introverted and Isolated?

    In response to yesterday’s Pause, I received this feedback:

  • Liking Ourselves to Death

    The past two days we’ve been looking at the power of the Internet and social media to ensnare our brains and polarize us against one another. Truth be told, this is all coming from…

  • Confirming Our Bias

    Yesterday I ranted a bit about the Internet and its effects on us all. Turns out I’m not the only one. There are a number of Silicon Valley pioneers regretting…

  • YouTube and you

    At the risk of sounding like an anti-tech curmudgeon, I am growing more and more concerned about the www (Wild, Wild, West) of the Internet. Facebook is putting out TV commercials to…

  • Judge Not

    In a world where we can swipe through friends’ messages with less effort than erasing a whiteboard, taking the time to carefully consider our…

  • Problem, I Welcome You

    It’s definitely our animal instinct to avoid problems like the plague. But we’re not merely animals.

  • The Only Way Forward

    “What if my son hadn’t tried drugs?” But he did.

    “What if…

  • Wanna feel better?

    One sure-fire way to feel better this weekend is to wake up tomorrow morning and write down…