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  • Ouch, that hurts.

    We all need to improve. In theory, we all know this, but hearing the actual words…

  • Perfect Poison

    If we examined our definition of “perfect,” we see it is often so unrealistic that it could never exist in one person. We want to be beautiful and intelligent. We want to be…

  • Above All, Be Brief

    “When you wish to instruct, be brief; then men’s minds take in quickly what you say, learn its lesson, and retain it faithfully. Every word that is unnecessary only pours over the side of a brimming mind.” (Cicero)   There is one cardinal rule for public speaking: leave ’em wanting more. This may frustrate a […]

  • When Not to Laugh

    Children, like adults, long to be taken seriously. Hopes, dreams, fears, and hurts are every bit as real to kids as they are to us. Whether it’s a toddler who is afraid of the dark or a teen who has just had her heart broken, we can…

  • The Myth of the Slippery Slope

    We all do a lot of arguing these days. New media platforms have profited on polarization, and our multimedia megaphones have turned us all into pundits. It’s gotten ridiculous. What’s especially…

  • Wait, what?

    Learning to truly engage in conversation is among life’s greatest blessings, and one…

  • Comfortably Insecure

    So much of our lives is spent in the pursuit of security. We arm our houses with locks, alarms, and even cameras. We insure those houses, along with our cars, and…

  • It’s really hard to listen…

    Most famous writers have this in common: they are insatiably curious about the world around them and what makes people tick. When asked about their craft and how they find the amazing stories…

  • Training vs. Trying

    Keeping your cool when you want to flip out is one of the best things you can do for everyone. It’s also one of the hardest. Remaining calm…

  • Take Back Your Remote Control

    Interesting idea: we control our thoughts; our thoughts don’t control us. So many of our troubles come about…