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  • Real Mature

    “Maturity is both a static and a dynamic concept.” (Leo Buscaglia)   OK, let’s finish our discussion on maturity (for now). It’s generally understood that mature people have a strong sense of who they are, separate and apart from others. They understand their need for intimate relationships, but they are not dependent upon others to […]

  • The Easiest Way to Earn Respect

    I hear parents complain about their “disrespectful” kids all the time.   Here’s my question in reply: When you lose your cool with them and say and do things you regret, how quickly do you apologize?   Some folks actually tell me they don’t apologize, ‘cos that would communicate “weakness.”   Others tell me they’ll […]

  • Peace for your past?

    Don’t forget to forgive.

  • You’re Not a Lizard

    There’s something about the power of quietness that modern society doesn’t know how to cultivate. We get anxious and feel like…

  • Apologies can stink

    Last week, during a White House press conference, two men got into a heated argument in front of, well, everybody. Afterwards, in an effort to…

  • Reading is optional

    School is beckoning our kids out of summer. That usually means those books we bought…

  • The Best Human Skill

    We humans are driven by our emotions far more than our thoughts. Learning to differentiate between…

  • It’s Your Time

    Well, my son is heading towards his senior year in high school, so it’s time to write him a book as well. I’m torn between two titles, but…

  • True Job Security

    My 20-year-old daughter, Hannah, is working in two internships this summer. These experiences are vital for exposing her to a variety…

  • Internet Games: We can’t just take ‘em or leave ‘em

    When my kids were young, they loved to visit a website on our family desktop that allowed them to choose from dozens of simple, seemingly harmless games. Now that the world is becoming more and more aware…