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March 16, 2015

Color My World

Hal photo outside Feb2012“Life is like an ever shifting kaleidoscope – a slight change and all patterns alter.” (Sharon Salzberg)

Ask a number of parents how they feel at the end of a particularly hard day with a child and one word will crop up more than any other: overwhelmed. It is easy to get lost in the sheer number of things we have to do in order to keep our lives running. Daily tasks alone zap our energy. The thought of working hard to change the runaway locomotive that is your family doesn’t even compute on most days.

But here is the beautiful thing about life. It is like a kaleidoscope. It is colorful, beautiful, and it is in your hands. By simply shifting one part in one pattern that you don’t like, you’ll be altering the dynamic of your whole family. You’ll be creating a brand new picture without putting your whole life on hold. Who has the time for that?

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