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March 11, 2015

Don’t Miss the Wonder Years

Hal photo outside Feb2012“Parents are often so busy with the physical rearing of children that they miss the glory of parenthood, just as the grandeur of the trees is lost when raking leaves.” (Marcelene Cox)

When did all of the “haftas” of family life take over the reason we had kids in the first place? I remember staring at my kids’ toes when they were newborns. For hours. Everything was so new that it was easy to be knocked over by the wonder of it all. After a while, you start to take for granted some of the most amazing things life has to offer. The unique smell of your kids after a bath. The perfect layout of freckles across the bridge of your son’s nose. The way that your daughter hums to herself as she draws. Today, do yourself a favor and take a moment to really see your kids. Like those grand trees, they really are a marvel of nature.









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