Toys R (Not) Us
Kids do not live by toys alone. If you don’t believe that, search YouTube for “Laughing Baby” — there’s proof in the millions…
Obedience is Overrated
There is a natural tendency for kids to “cut their teeth” on us by trying out harsh emotions and pushing against us on seemingly small matters. This shouldn’t surprise us; in fact, we should…
I thought he was supposed to be dead
Last night I took my family to see a living legend. We watched a 75-year-old play…
TBT: Enduring to Endure
I have to admit that it’s been fun, as my teenagers start to launch, talking to them about…
The Opposite of Influence is…
Some people, and indeed some cultures, equate leadership with force, the ability to make others do anything. These people admire the strong personality of someone…
Screen-Free Parenting?
Here in the northern hemisphere, we’re entering the dog days of summer. That means, whenever it’s too hot or too rainy, bored kids will gravitate…
Internet Games: We can’t just take ‘em or leave ‘em
When my kids were young, they loved to visit a website on our family desktop that allowed them to choose from dozens of simple, seemingly harmless games. Now that the world is becoming more and more aware…
Screens and Babies
One of the most dangerous effects of mobile screens is how it changes our brains’ expectations of reality. Just look at how this one-year-old…
TBT: What do you want your kids to know?
What are you teaching your kids in those moments when you’re not trying to…
TBT: You can be friends with your kids
Sure, lots of folks take offense at the idea of being “friends” with your child. “They don’t need me to be their friend; they need me to be their parent!” And that’s true…for a while. But remember…