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August 17, 2017

Toys R (Not) Us

“If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money.”
(Abigail Van Buren)


Kids do not live by toys alone. If you don’t believe that, search YouTube for “Laughing Baby” — there’s proof in the millions of people who have viewed the sheer joy of a baby’s belly laugh as he/she plays with an object. Interestingly, the object is usually something common like a piece of paper being ripped.


Also, notice this: there’s almost always a parent present, engaged in the play. It would seem happiness doesn’t revolve around the object itself, but around the moment and exchange of joy between parent and child. It could be argued this gets more difficult as the child grows older, tantalized with battery-operated treasures. But it’s hard to imagine a young child that wouldn’t drop his plastic horse in favor of saddling up on the back of their father on all fours in the living room.


Teach your children to value experiences over things. All you have to do is create moments for play and adventure together, rather than throwing toys at them. Toys are not the token for happy, healthy children; time with an engaged and connected parent is.


Peace begins with pause,



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