The 4th Worst Phrase You Can Say
Yesterday we looked at The 5th Worst Phrase You Can Say. Today it’s The 4th. I’ve written on this one before, but the gist is this: whenever we say “I’m sorry, but…,” we might…
Play Time
One of the things separating mammals from reptiles is the ability to play. Dogs can play fetch, for instance, and even cats can play with a ball of yarn.
Above All, Be Brief
“When you wish to instruct, be brief; then men’s minds take in quickly what you say, learn its lesson, and retain it faithfully. Every word that is unnecessary only pours over the side of a brimming mind.” (Cicero) There is one cardinal rule for public speaking: leave ’em wanting more. This may frustrate a […]
It’s really hard to listen…
Most famous writers have this in common: they are insatiably curious about the world around them and what makes people tick. When asked about their craft and how they find the amazing stories…
Ducking Conflict
Humans are emotional beings, and our emotions can be terrific assets in the right context. Remaining calm in the midst of conflict, therefore, can be unnerving…
The Best Remedy for Anger
Here’s a challenge for today: The next time you feel angry, about anything at all, press…
Follow the Light
I have to admit, I was surprised to find this lyric within such a jolly, simple song. “Peace on earth will come to all, if we just follow the light”?
The Real Message of Advent
At its most universal, the Christmas story is about the advent of Peace itself, coming down to earth. According to the story, Peace took the initiative, taking the…
New tricks for the holidays
It’s mid-December, and it’s time to shut things down for the holidays.
At least, that’s what a large part of me keeps saying. I’ve got no…