Calm can be aggravating
When your child is on the rampage for a good fight, the worst thing you can do is give her one.
You are on the hardest journey of life, this climb towards the best you possible. This is the journey of maturity, where you…
Real Mature
“Maturity is both a static and a dynamic concept.” (Leo Buscaglia) OK, let’s finish our discussion on maturity (for now). It’s generally understood that mature people have a strong sense of who they are, separate and apart from others. They understand their need for intimate relationships, but they are not dependent upon others to […]
Act Your Age
Yesterday, I talked about how I sometimes struggle to act my age. There seems to be this natural phenomenon…
Tell Me, Don’t Show Me
Funny thing about revenge – in an effort to heal our hurt we decide to hurt right back. Whenever we choose to…