Fight for Your Right to Fight
I’m convinced that despite what people say, pretty much everyone loves conflict. If not on the sports field, then we enjoy it on TV. Or in the political arena. See, we all love conflict…
Respond More, React Less
Respond More, React Less is, in many ways, the entire ScreamFree message. It’s also an important section in our new online platform, Choose Your Own Adulthood. The platform has editions…
People Like to Freak Out
It’s been well-documented that food allergy reactions are, for some reason, on the rise. I would offer that an even worse kind of reactivity is also on an uptick:…
Our Biggest Enemy as Parents
Since you’re a subscriber to The Daily Pause, you’re probably familiar with the thought behind…
If you must answer a fool, do it…
Your spouse accuses you (falsely) of doing something thoughtless, without…
Respond More, React Less
Respond More, React Less is, in many ways, the entire ScreamFree message. It’s also an important chapter in our newest book, Choose Your Own Adulthood.