No thanks for fishing.
I love giving good gifts. (I also love receiving them.) But I must confess I too often linger…
Santa’s gonna make you behave!
You may not know it, but today is actually Saint Nicholas Day. In honor of that saintly Turkish Bishop of the 4th century, let’s look at how terribly we use him…
TBT: The Best Way to Spoil Your Kids This Holiday Season
The best way to spoil your kids is not giving them too many material possessions. Some of the wealthiest families I know, who’ve supplied…
Don’t try to lead by example
Leading by example is something everyone says they believe in. But few of us really…
Ask Hal Webinar Next Week!
What’s your most pressing parenting question? What’s the one thing you wish you could change?
Screw Consent
Bill Cosby. Charlie Rose. Louie CK. Al Franken. Roy Moore. We are in the midst of special times, witnessing one of the best outgrowths of the feminist revolution: Exposing…