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May 2, 2017

The Freedom (and Burden) of Choice

“Life is the sum of your choices.”

(Albert Camus)

One of the most difficult truths of adulthood is this: Our lives are largely up to us.

Yes, there are overarching societal and governmental and economic forces shaping our worlds, but we almost always have more choice than we realize. Choices like:

—whether we respond to a situation, or react
—whether we finish this current project, or start another one instead
—whether we create something of our own, or just critique the work of others
—whether we strive to be interested in others, or just try to make ourselves look interesting

These are some of the choices we highlight in our new book, Choose Your Own Adulthood. Yes, it’s a graduation gift book for HS & college young adults, but it’s also a life manual for those of us burdened by the freedom of choice. (Which means all of us, of course).

Pick up a copy today! (and we’d be so honored if you wrote an honest review on or Thanks!)

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