Wives Don’t Raise Husbands
“All women should know how to take care of children. Most of them will have a husband some day.” (Franklin P. Jones)
It is very common, unfortunately, to make jokes about dads occupying the role of the biggest kid in the house; i.e. the biggest kid mom has to raise. We even see it routinely on T.V.— Homer Simpson and numerous fat imbeciles somehow married to thin, attractive, and super-responsible wives. Even some popular childrens’ books perpetuate the image, with the Berensteins Bear dad continually portrayed as a buffoon, another kid mom has to raise.
Husbands, you cannot let your wives do all the child-rearing and housework, blame her for your lack of freedom, and then expect her to respect you, and long for you, as a man.
Wives, you cannot complain about your husband’s lack of involvement, criticize his parenting and/or housework when he does get involved, and then expect him to appreciate you, and woo you, as a complete woman.