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January 25, 2018

You don’t have to like your kids

“Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life.”
(Robert Byrne)


The quote above is obviously sarcastic, but sarcasm is funny because it hints at the truth—sometimes it’s almost impossible to like our kids. We always love them, but that doesn’t me we always like them. They can annoy us, bug us, and even drive us crazy by making dumb decisions and ridiculous requests. And then the next moment, they can crush us with one smile.


Byrne’s suggestion is to go ahead and dislike them before they annoy us. I actually believe he’s not completely off from the truth. In order to have great balanced, respectful relationships with our kids, we have to be able to rise above the fray. This doesn’t mean dislike them, per say, but it does mean we should let go of the need for them to perform, or behave, for our approval ratings.


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Peace begins with pause,



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