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  • Rarely look ‘em in the eye

    Among all the pieces of parenting advice I’ve ever given, the one that raises the most eyebrows (ahem) is…

  • Confirming Our Bias

    Yesterday I ranted a bit about the Internet and its effects on us all. Turns out I’m not the only one. There are a number of Silicon Valley pioneers regretting…

  • Judge Not

    In a world where we can swipe through friends’ messages with less effort than erasing a whiteboard, taking the time to carefully consider our…

  • What Do You Want, A Medal?

    This famous quote has been used countless times — mostly by parents laboring through the aggravation of their teen’s adolescence. The fact that it’s attributed to…

  • Seeing Your Children as Adults

    This quote by the legendary comedienne Lucille Ball is true on a couple of different levels. On one hand, she seems to be talking about the phenomenon…

  • I Hope Your Teens Aren’t Perfect

    Perfectionism is a disease. Once introduced into a system, it permeates into practically every arena of life: work, school, sport, parenting, romance, diet, exercise, sex…everything. What makes it so dangerous is how it…

  • Boys Don’t Cry Out

    Every time there’s a new, horrific school shooting, I’m reminded of my own childhood…

  • Ducking Conflict

    Humans are emotional beings, and our emotions can be terrific assets in the right context. Remaining calm in the midst of conflict, therefore, can be unnerving…

  • How to Raise a Bully…and a Bully’s Victim

    There’s some new research out there confirming what we’ve strongly suspected for awhile: Strict, authoritarian parenting, using psychological intimidation to…

  • Holiday Spirits

    If this is a holiday season for you, and you’re anticipating “drawing near” to friends and family, here’s a thought:

    What spirit are you hoping…