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  • When Not to Laugh

    Children, like adults, long to be taken seriously. Hopes, dreams, fears, and hurts are every bit as real to kids as they are to us. Whether it’s a toddler who is afraid of the dark or a teen who has just had her heart broken, we can…

  • The Myth of the Slippery Slope

    We all do a lot of arguing these days. New media platforms have profited on polarization, and our multimedia megaphones have turned us all into pundits. It’s gotten ridiculous. What’s especially…

  • Wait, what?

    Learning to truly engage in conversation is among life’s greatest blessings, and one…

  • It’s really hard to listen…

    Most famous writers have this in common: they are insatiably curious about the world around them and what makes people tick. When asked about their craft and how they find the amazing stories…

  • The Wonder Years

    Our son Brandon is graduating high school in a few months, and Jenny and I have been doing a little reminiscing, selecting photos for his high school and church celebrations. It’s brought laughter, more than a few tears, and…

  • Where it All Begins…

    I can’t really add much…

  • The time between all or nothing

    As in all areas of life, there are two extremes to following a routine: All, or nothing. Most people naturally gravitate towards one of…

  • You don’t have to like your kids

    “Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life.” (Robert Byrne)   The quote above is obviously sarcastic, but sarcasm is funny because it hints at the truth—sometimes it’s almost impossible to like our kids. We always love them, but that doesn’t me we always like […]

  • This above all

    Being true to yourself does not mean indulging or pampering yourself to the neglect of others; nor does it mean that whatever you believe is the right thing all the time. It simply means you’ll be better off…

  • They Can’t Hear You

    Like gravity and motion, there are a few natural laws of relationship that simply cannot be denied. One of them is this…