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  • Calm can be aggravating

    When your child is on the rampage for a good fight, the worst thing you can do is give her one.

  • It can be so much easier…

    Sometimes, when parents first encounter ScreamFree Parenting, they beg us: “Just tell me exactly what I need to say to get my kids to behave!”

  • Creating the Relationships You Crave

    Let’s face it; when it comes to relationships, we’ve all received some bad training over the years. Divorce. Mean girls. Crazy exes. Narcissistic parents.

    Even if you had…

  • It’s time…

    For all parents—tomorrow is a big day for you. I believe it with all my heart. Starting tomorrow, you will no longer have to wait…

  • Parents of all ages with kids of all ages

    Parents write in to us constantly asking all kinds of questions. We try to answer as many…

  • How can you motivate a teenager?

    Recently we’ve hosted a couple of Ask Hal webinars, where you got the chance to send in your personal questions directly. Here’s one I didn’t get to answer during that time:

  • The Best Remedy for Anger

    Here’s a challenge for today: The next time you feel angry, about anything at all, press…

  • Tending to Your Own Lawn

    None of us sets out to fall into the trap of envying our neighbors. No one begins their morning saying, “Today, I will look at other families and lament…

  • Follow the Light

    I have to admit, I was surprised to find this lyric within such a jolly, simple song. “Peace on earth will come to all, if we just follow the light”?

  • Holiday Spirits

    If this is a holiday season for you, and you’re anticipating “drawing near” to friends and family, here’s a thought:

    What spirit are you hoping…