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  • It’s really hard to listen…

    Most famous writers have this in common: they are insatiably curious about the world around them and what makes people tick. When asked about their craft and how they find the amazing stories…

  • Training vs. Trying

    Keeping your cool when you want to flip out is one of the best things you can do for everyone. It’s also one of the hardest. Remaining calm…

  • Take Back Your Remote Control

    Interesting idea: we control our thoughts; our thoughts don’t control us. So many of our troubles come about…

  • Where it All Begins…

    I can’t really add much…

  • Ducking Conflict

    Humans are emotional beings, and our emotions can be terrific assets in the right context. Remaining calm in the midst of conflict, therefore, can be unnerving…

  • The Two Shall Remain Two

    Perhaps the biggest mistake couples make is assuming once they get married they are, forevermore, one combined unit. There is no more “I,” there is only “we.” Like conjoined twins, they are…

  • Is Your Partner Pulling Away?

    When we sense our partner distancing from us, we try to pull our partner closer. Of course, this tends to make them want to pull even further away. By trying to make your spouse…

  • There’s no “we” in romance

    Far too often, it seems like we married folks are facing a choice—pursuing a better “we” or pursuing a better “me.”
    One can feel self-suffocating, especially when…

  • This above all

    Being true to yourself does not mean indulging or pampering yourself to the neglect of others; nor does it mean that whatever you believe is the right thing all the time. It simply means you’ll be better off…

  • They Can’t Hear You

    Like gravity and motion, there are a few natural laws of relationship that simply cannot be denied. One of them is this…