The Worst Phrase You Can Say
The worst phrase we can say, if we want to enjoy great relationships, is any form of:
I told you so. I knew this would happen. I could’ve told… -
The 2nd Worst Phrase You Can Say
Whenever we find ourselves using words like “always” and “never,” we are normally trying to do one thing, and one thing only: shape reality in order…
The 3rd Worst Phrase You Can Say
This phrase should only be allowed if we’re throwing our arms up in resignation while we say it, because…
The 4th Worst Phrase You Can Say
Yesterday we looked at The 5th Worst Phrase You Can Say. Today it’s The 4th. I’ve written on this one before, but the gist is this: whenever we say “I’m sorry, but…,” we might…
The 5th Worst Phrase You Can Say
We all want to enjoy great relationships with the people that matter most. Spouses & kids, friends & coworkers, siblings & parents. Even our bosses.
Play Time
One of the things separating mammals from reptiles is the ability to play. Dogs can play fetch, for instance, and even cats can play with a ball of yarn.
People Like to Freak Out
It’s been well-documented that food allergy reactions are, for some reason, on the rise. I would offer that an even worse kind of reactivity is also on an uptick:…
Perfect Poison
If we examined our definition of “perfect,” we see it is often so unrealistic that it could never exist in one person. We want to be beautiful and intelligent. We want to be…