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  • The Real Badge of Courage

    We people are funny. We usually know what we need to do long before…

  • You Don’t Have to Go to Work Today

    As most of us head back in to work today, let’s embrace a freeing truth: We don’t have to. None of us have to go to work today at all, much less the particular jobs we occupy.

  • Halos & Nooses

    When we try so hard to do everything perfectly, perhaps portraying the “model” mom or dad, we might as well think of it as tightening a noose. We are not only choking the life out of our own experiences, but we’re unwittingly…

  • Thank you all…

    One of the reasons I love public speaking so much is the opportunity to see in real time the effect…

  • A Pause from the Pause

    In honor of his birthday today, Hal is taking the day off from the Pause. So…

  • You don’t have to like your kids

    “Learning to dislike children at an early age saves a lot of expense and aggravation later in life.” (Robert Byrne)   The quote above is obviously sarcastic, but sarcasm is funny because it hints at the truth—sometimes it’s almost impossible to like our kids. We always love them, but that doesn’t me we always like […]

  • This above all

    Being true to yourself does not mean indulging or pampering yourself to the neglect of others; nor does it mean that whatever you believe is the right thing all the time. It simply means you’ll be better off…

  • They Can’t Hear You

    Like gravity and motion, there are a few natural laws of relationship that simply cannot be denied. One of them is this…

  • Decisions, decisions

    What would change about your life if you were more decisive? If you deliberated less and decided more? Here are..

  • Why you should definitely inhale

    Right before you taxi down the runway, flight attendants share a simple message. “In the case of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling compartment.” You know what they’re going to say next, right?