A Technology High
There was a commercial out last year promoting the Virtual Reality headgear of the new Samsung phone. The ad shows multiple people of all ages and colors, experiencing…
New Ideas
New ideas are not usually popular ideas, especially in the field of human relationships. Perhaps this is because adopting a new parenting or marriage philosophy, for instance, can mean…
Wanna Take Charge of Your Life? Really?
Authority is a tricky thing, really. Sometimes we crave it over somebody else, like a child we think needs to behave, or a co-worker who needs to get something done. Sometimes we crave it…
The 5th Worst Phrase You Can Say
We all want to enjoy great relationships with the people that matter most. Spouses & kids, friends & coworkers, siblings & parents. Even our bosses.
When Not to Laugh
Children, like adults, long to be taken seriously. Hopes, dreams, fears, and hurts are every bit as real to kids as they are to us. Whether it’s a toddler who is afraid of the dark or a teen who has just had her heart broken, we can…
It’s really hard to listen…
Most famous writers have this in common: they are insatiably curious about the world around them and what makes people tick. When asked about their craft and how they find the amazing stories…
The time between all or nothing
As in all areas of life, there are two extremes to following a routine: All, or nothing. Most people naturally gravitate towards one of…
Halos & Nooses
When we try so hard to do everything perfectly, perhaps portraying the “model” mom or dad, we might as well think of it as tightening a noose. We are not only choking the life out of our own experiences, but we’re unwittingly…