Don’t Trust Your Labeling Instincts
“Your eyes can deceive you; don’t trust them.” (Obi-Wan Kenobi) Among the most destructive labels we can apply to our kids are those having to do with their perceived disobedience. We see their bad behavior, we watch them openly defy our authority, and we call them “rebellious,”or “defiant,”or “out of control.” If we believe this […]
It’s Your Move
The biggest barrier to creating the great relationships we crave most has always been, and will always be, our fear. We are all, at varying levels…
United Airlines didn’t respond; they reacted
Last week I mentioned that what we do at ScreamFree is teach people how to pause, so they can respond more…
It Feels Good To Be a Grownup
When i’m seated on a plane, and people ask me what I do for a living, I often vary the answer…
Find Another Parent for Your Kids
It’s normal for children, especially teenagers, to push back against their parents. They’re working very hard to differentiate…
Can I Be Frank?
How many times have you blown up at your spouse, or child, or coworker, because you finally say what you should have stated weeks or months ago?
Hal on TV: Preparing Our Teens for Adulthood
Hey fellow Daily Pausers, check out this important roundtable discussion …
The Danger of Hooking Up
This week we released our new book for older teens and young adults, Choose Your Own Adulthood. One of the chapters addresses the dangerous college practice of “hooking up.”
The Birth of Adolescence
One of the unintended consequences of the Industrial Revolution was the creation of adolescents, if not adolescence itself. See, before …