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  • You’re Not a Lizard

    There’s something about the power of quietness that modern society doesn’t know how to cultivate. We get anxious and feel like…

  • When You Win, You Lose

    A few years into our marriage, in the midst of a lovely fight, Jenny changed her tone and simply announced: “Okay, you’re right…you win.”

  • Toys R (Not) Us

    Kids do not live by toys alone. If you don’t believe that, search YouTube for “Laughing Baby” — there’s proof in the millions…

  • Knowing isn’t Growing

    An easy way to identify a source of anxiety is to look at truths we know…but don’t…

  • Complaining doesn’t lead to change

    For the most part, spouses would rather complain to others about their current marital pattern than calmly, authentically ask…

  • Bitter & sweet

    The same week we first published ScreamFree Parenting, my wife Jenny got diagnosed with cancer.

    The same month our work with Army families began to expand…

  • Apologies can stink

    Last week, during a White House press conference, two men got into a heated argument in front of, well, everybody. Afterwards, in an effort to…

  • If you must answer a fool, do it…

    Your spouse accuses you (falsely) of doing something thoughtless, without…

  • Let’s be frank

    Speaking with candor about your pain, fears, and hopes is the quickest way to invite…

  • TBT: Whatever it Takes

    Here at ScreamFree we advocate one thing above all else: Just stay calm, no matter what. By doing that…