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  • Joined at the hip

    In marriage it’s easy to get attached, feeling a need to do everything together, agree on everything together, and severely limit…

  • Hi, I’m Frank

    How many times have you blown up at your spouse, or child, or coworker, because you finally said what you should have stated weeks or months ago?

  • Husbands are Not Big Kids

    It is very common, unfortunately, to make jokes about dads occupying the role of the biggest kid in the house; i.e. the biggest kid mom…

  • I.I.W.I.I.

    It’s Tuesday morning (after we in the US had Monday off). This could be a disappointing reality for you, or a fantastic reality for others. Either way, it is what it is. Let’s just…

  • Separate but Intimate

    This past weekend Jenny and I shared a hotel room, but…

  • Think or Sink

    We all know the story of Thomas Edison’s perseverance in creating the lightbulb. He never failed, he just discovered 10,000 ways to not make…

  • You are/are not an animal

    Learning to represent yourself well, especially in difficult conversations, is among…

  • Wisdom vs. Knowledge

    A teacher can share her intelligence with you. You can attend school or read books to accumulate a vast body of knowledge. The internet gives…

  • Common Ground?

    Yesterday, I did another “Real Talk” segment on NBC’s “Atlanta & Co.” The conversation was about common interests between spouses. Should a woman learn to be…

  • New Ideas

    New ideas are not usually popular ideas, especially in the field of human relationships. Perhaps this is because adopting a new parenting or marriage philosophy, for instance, can mean…