You’re Not a Lizard
There’s something about the power of quietness that modern society doesn’t know how to cultivate. We get anxious and feel like…
When You Win, You Lose
A few years into our marriage, in the midst of a lovely fight, Jenny changed her tone and simply announced: “Okay, you’re right…you win.”
Toys R (Not) Us
Kids do not live by toys alone. If you don’t believe that, search YouTube for “Laughing Baby” — there’s proof in the millions…
Knowing isn’t Growing
An easy way to identify a source of anxiety is to look at truths we know…but don’t…
Complaining doesn’t lead to change
For the most part, spouses would rather complain to others about their current marital pattern than calmly, authentically ask…
Obedience is Overrated
There is a natural tendency for kids to “cut their teeth” on us by trying out harsh emotions and pushing against us on seemingly small matters. This shouldn’t surprise us; in fact, we should…
Bitter & sweet
The same week we first published ScreamFree Parenting, my wife Jenny got diagnosed with cancer.
The same month our work with Army families began to expand…
Let’s be frank
Speaking with candor about your pain, fears, and hopes is the quickest way to invite…
TBT: Whatever it Takes
Here at ScreamFree we advocate one thing above all else: Just stay calm, no matter what. By doing that…