You are on the hardest journey of life, this climb towards the best you possible. This is the journey of maturity, where you…
The Necessary People in Our Lives
Think about someone who agrees with you. Always. From politics to parenting, from movies to music, this person could…
Let’s Disagree This Week
One could argue that what the world needs most right now is a renewed ability to resolve conflict. That starts by…
What’s Missing in Your Relationship?
It’s very common, in our modern search for lasting romance, to seek out a relationship that’s got the whole package. We want to feel, with total…
Wait a minute…
Some thoughts on procrastination:
—it’s not an aversion to hard work, because procrastinators end up working very hard…
What Came Before
Whenever we fail, it is tempting to over-examine the big event itself, and under-examine all…
Are You Raising Kids? Or Adults
In the hit song “Stressed Out,” Twenty One Pilots’s Tyler Joseph longs for the ability to “turn back time, to the good old days…when nothing really mattered.” He wants to go back to childhood, where he…
Our Biggest Enemy as Parents
Since you’re a subscriber to The Daily Pause, you’re probably familiar with the thought behind…
A Decade of Calmer Parenting
Want a more peaceful home? Care for a calmer, happier life? This has always been our goal at ScreamFree, and today we’re proud to release…