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  • 3 Hopes for My Teenagers

    Adolescence has always been difficult. In our current digital realm, where teens live and breath and bully, that difficulty seems to have multiplied by a factor of 10.

  • You really wanna mess up your kids?

    Each year they get older, do more and more for them instead of training them to do more and more for themselves.

  • The Best Way to Spoil Your Kids

    The best way to spoil your kids is not giving them too many material possessions. Some of the wealthiest families I know, who’ve supplied their kids with trips and gifts galore, are also some of the healthiest families I know.

  • The 3rd Best Phrase You Can Say

    There’s a lot of data out there suggesting over 90% of our decisions are directed by our emotions at the moment, not our rational thoughts.

  • How to Raise a Bully…and a Bully’s Victim

    There’s some new research out there confirming what we’ve strongly suspected for awhile: Strict, authoritarian parenting, using psychological intimidation to demand obedience, greatly increases the chances a child will end up bullying other kids, or being bullied themselves.

  • Gentle Giants

    Kids are in the process of growing up, just like the rest of us – we just happen to have a head start. They’re going to make mistakes and do very, very stupid things. Most times, they will have no idea why they do those things, so for your sake and theirs, let’s just stop asking.

  • Are You a Drain, or a Fountain?

    We all know a few folks who tend to bring us down with their neediness, pettiness, and overall negativity. These folks can be downright draining to be around.

  • screen time

    Rules for screen time

    Several years ago, when our kids were little, and as more and more screens entered our hourly lives, Jenny and I started using “screen time” as our go-to consequence for misbehavior.

  • Adult Education

    People often ask if being ScreamFree means not caring what other people think, do, or say anymore. This is a fairly common misconception amongst people who tend to think in extremes. Either you allow their words and actions to boil your blood or you shut down emotionally and tune everything out.

  • 5.27screamfreewonder

    Are You a Wonderer?

    Yesterday we looked at how “Not all who wander are lost.” Today I want to examine another, similar truth: “Not all who wonder are leaving.”