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June 6, 2016

Questions for the Summer

Last week I asked you guys to let us know your anxieties about this summer. We were amazed at the response! So many of you wrote in, speaking of both your hopes and fears for these next few months. What we loved most was the variety of your concerns.

Many of you sent in questions about parenting. You asked about:

  • What can I do about the messy bedroom?
  • How do I best put limits on screentime? (this is a very hot topic, apparently)
  • What do I do when the kids have different rules at their grandparents’, or fathers’, or friends’ houses?
  • What’s the best way to welcome your offspring back after their first year in college?*

Such questions about parenting were not surprising, and I look forward to addressing them in future Daily Pauses. What was surprising, however, was how many of you, given the option of sending in your question of the moment, spoke about your marriage, your work, or your own adult life in general.

  • What do I do when my spouse doesn’t share my concerns for the house? Or our finances? Or sex?
  • Where do I go, both literally and figuratively, when I need space from my family?
  • How come I can stay calm with my kids, but not with my employees?
  • How can I stop our whole family from fighting all the time?

Do you see your concerns here? If not, keep sending them in! These Daily Pauses are designed to help you have at least one moment of peaceful pondering, 5 days a week. While I’ll certainly be drawn to writing what’s most on my mind, I love even more to hear what’s on yours. Yes, this is my blog, but it only works when I recognize it’s an investment of your time, and your hope.

So, email me at, and tell me: what do you want to change?

Peace begins with pause,
screamfree hal runkel




*I’ll answer this one more fully later, but for now, just think of your teen returning from college as you would if your niece of nephew were staying with you for the summer. Ask them to do the same. Changes the whole dynamic in a much more respect-filled way.

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