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  • Testing Comes Before Learning

    Hey folks, Jenny here (Hal’s my husband). As I’ve started a new school year (I teach 12th grade English), I’ve been reflecting on my daughter’s journey through school.

  • Gentle Giants

    Kids are in the process of growing up, just like the rest of us – we just happen to have a head start. They’re going to make mistakes and do very, very stupid things. Most times, they will have no idea why they do those things, so for your sake and theirs, let’s just stop asking.

  • Are You a Drain, or a Fountain?

    We all know a few folks who tend to bring us down with their neediness, pettiness, and overall negativity. These folks can be downright draining to be around.

  • Screamfree Parenting 8.8

    Let’s try to stop bragging about our kids

    Hey folks, Jenny here (Hal’s wife of 23 years as of yesterday). Let’s face it. Everyone likes to talk about how great their children are. That’s very normal. But, I’m going to shoot you straight on this one… Nothing will kill a room like a parent going on and on about junior’s latest phenomenal exploits.

  • speak truth

    Dropping the mic

    Sometimes, when you need to be persuasive, be courageous enough to simply state what you need to state, and then stop talking and walk away.

  • Stop letting people vent on you

    Among the most destructive teachings of western pop-psychology is the idea of venting. “Get it off your chest,” we say. Well, let’s stop—unless we’re the ones they’re angry at, we’re not helping anyone by allowing people to spew their anger and frustration all over us.

  • Thoughtful Wishing

    What do you want today?

    A perfectly obedient toddler? Your boss to call in sick? A cool breeze on a hot day by the pool? A stiff drink? An actual chore done by your teen? Sex with your spouse?

  • Failure is not Fatal

    One of the great gifts we can bestow on others is the gift of enthusiasm around failures. I know this sounds contrary to, well, every instinct we have. But given how much valuable information each of our failures can contain, it is no wonder that some of our greatest success stories actually came to celebrate failure.

  • 4.29 screamfree living

    People Like to Freak Out

    It’s been well-documented that food allergy reactions are, for some reason, on the rise. I would offer that an even worse kind of reactivity is also on an uptick: emotional reactivity (which we call “screaming”)

  • 4.25 screamfree choices

    On Becoming Decisive

    Unsuccessful people make decisions slowly, and are quick to change their minds afterwards. Successful people, in contrast, make decisions quickly, and change their minds very reluctantly, if at all.