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  • Grownup Questions

    In our family, this statement couldn’t be more true. Jenny and I were practically babies ourselves when we got married, and I shudder to think how naïve we were when our daughter Hannah came into the world.

  • A Hard-Headed Woman

    Stubborn. Tenacious. Determined. Obstinate. These are all synonyms for what Cat Stevens (his name back then) called “hard-headed.”

  • Conscious Couples

    Monogamy has its detractors. Some anthropologists claim it is a relatively new phenomenon and, given how many affairs and divorces there are in the world, believe it’s not going to last much longer.

  • Resentment

    Whenever we avoid conflict, in order to escape the discomfort, we invite a far more unpleasant companion: resentment.

  • The 2nd Best Phrase You Can Say

    Today’s phrase may not be something you’ve ever heard, much less something you’ve ever said. But in my experience, it’s the best way to make sense of people’s past actions and help everyone find a better future.

  • The 3rd Best Phrase You Can Say

    There’s a lot of data out there suggesting over 90% of our decisions are directed by our emotions at the moment, not our rational thoughts.

  • Attachment…or Connection?

    If a tree falls in the forest, without your spouse being there with you to hear it, does it make a sound?

  • Textiquette 101

    Here are some things to teach our teens, and ourselves:

  • The Worst Phrase You Can Say

    I told you so. I knew this would happen. I could’ve told you this was coming. Can I tell you…I thought this might be the result?

  • The 2nd Worst Phrase You Can Say

    Whenever we find ourselves using words like “always” and “never,” we are normally trying to do one thing, and one thing only: shape reality in order to make an ironclad accusatory case against someone.